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7th P-Tremendous Hailstorm

Have you ever witnessed a powerful storm hit the ground? I saw one where the walls of a house split from top to bottom, surrounding trees uprooted and large stones split into half. We were so thankful to be safe! That was really frightening! Last week, a friend also shared with me how they witnessed a huge storm that brought hail the size of baseballs in their area. That is so scary when it happens!

I’m reminded of the seventh plague in Egypt, a tremendous hailstorm. The Bible says “But those who paid no attention to the Word of the Lord left their livestock and servants out in the open. Then the devastating hail and continuous lightning fell on the people, the livestock and all the plants throughout Egypt”. Exodus 9:21”. It left all of Egypt in ruins. What a reminder to us to heed warnings we read in the Scriptures about what is yet to come?

In Egypt everything was destroyed except in the region of Goshen where the Israelites lived. God spared them! Yes. That’s His nature! Jesus was in the boat with the disciples during the storm and he is always present in our storms!

But surprisingly, after the storm stopped, Pharaoh and his officials sinned again. He had a mindset and rejected to recognize the true Sovereignty. The consequences are in Exodus 9:21: God’s reign will be restored in this world that’s currently under so much evil oppression.

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