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A Simple Reminder Life Lesson

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Recently, I had a long time promised outing with a friend’s boys (Sam 10 and Mat 8). We went to an open park with their balls and they were ready to have fun. They had the park to themselves and were free to play but within the park limits.

I was intentionally listening and watching. After a few attempts on different games, Sam convinced his brother to play Base Ball. Mat was the Pitcher. Mat got frustrated at times and wandered off now and then doing his own thing and came back when he felt like it. But Sam persevered and became both pitcher and batter when Mat took off and did not stop unless he wanted a water break. Sam was so focused! There were times of exploring, disruption, distraction, stubbornness, not following instructions, frustration, perseverance as well as being focused. We hung out there for a while. Neither were ready to go! Well, I could definitely relate with some of these observations. The reminder was being focused on what is important but at the same time there should be moments of fun and enjoyment on our journey with the Lord so we don’t miss out, and also paying attention. The boys reminded me of “the balance” we need in our Christian lives! They both had so much fun though!

So how have the disruptions in your life led you to a deeper relationship with the Lord? Can you relate to this simple life reminder lesson?

As I reflected on this, I was also reminded of the scripture from Mark 4:24 where Jesus says “Pay close attention to what you hear, the closer you listen the more understanding you will be given, you will receive even more”.

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