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An Inspiring Story

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Esther (11 years old then) was in my Tweens class at the Church about 12 years ago. She came to class regularly, more of an introvert and such a blessing. One day during the class she asked me when my birthday was, then surprised me with her own nicely designed card. She wrote on it one of my favorite Bible verses: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.” Psalm 139:14. Some how I kept the card and found it recently.

We connected when I created my face book page to advise regularly when devotionals and stories have been posted. After we spoke by phone, we decided to meet up for lunch. It was such a great time of catching up after such a long time.

She is now a young adult, completed university and being a light for Jesus in her profession. What a great encouragement! You see, God is our Author and He invites us to join Him in co-authoring the rest of our individual stories as we journey with Him in our daily encounters. This is truly an inspiration to serve the Lord. I am reminded of the phrase to “let my ceiling become their floor” regarding those I connect with in my life’s story and that those who show up in our lives are not by accident.

Our stories are all varied and unique. God is writing them today His way because He has made us in His image! What a beautiful thing! He even makes it personal as He says: “And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Luke 12:7

Recently, I was involved in a study on “Discerning the Voice of God”. The author states that when something comes up in your life as “a surprisethen it’s from the Lord, but when it’s not then it’s you! God is continually writing stories of our lives daily and He is so kind and good to remind us of His faithfulness. Your story and mine are meant to be a chapter in God’s great story that is in progress.

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