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“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

“Obedience is better than sacrifice” that is what Samuel reminds us in I Sam 15:22. Recently, we saw how the Israelites were overly confident that they took things in their own hands during the Ai first invasion. They were chased, some killed and really humiliated.  The enemy takes advantage when we try to do it on our own.  But thank God that His grace is sufficient as He reminds us. His arms are always wide open. Things changed when the Israelites had the right focus. This time they followed God’s instructions and strategized well Ai invasion version2 was successful.

The strategy to defeat is explained in Joshua 8:1 The Lord said to Joshua “Do not be afraid or discouraged, take all your fighting men and attack Ai, for I have given it to you".    The people in Ai city thought they would just do their usual thing as they had done before, but because the Israelites walked in obedience this time and listened to the Lord, they were set up for total victory! Here was their strategy, the first group hid in the bush behind the town ready for action (they were like be the prayer warriors - initiators).  The second group (the main army would be attacked and chased but while this is happening, the first group would jump up and take possession of Ai. This is what happened as the Lord had said. After they defeated their enemy, they were allowed to take the plunder from Ai for themselves.  This is what happens when we absolutely follow the Lord without wavering!

Such an important lesson for us to pay attention to what God says each day. The difference here is that with the Jericho wall, the Lord did it supernaturally, but with Ai he used the army to fight and defeat their enemy. They experienced victory at the place of their last defeat, same place but different times.  God has the prerogative to do what He will and when He sees it appropriate. He is Sovereign and choses how He is going to do things His way! Over and over again He reminds us that our part is being obedient which comes from when He initiated it from the garden of Eden! The more reason to firmly hold on to His promises! His Word is trustworthy!

Dear Lord, help me be a person of character to finish what you direct me to do, focusing on you. Enable me to trust you, and stay alert during difficult situations and walk in obedience as you direct. Amen

Reflection: Obedience keeps the door of communication with God clear and continually open. Is there something God is asking you to do today?

Meditate on: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8

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