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Beautiful Truths

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

“We are celebrating because of his return”

(Luke 15:26)

Life is full many challenges but if we keep going we will arrive at beautiful destinations with the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I was recently reminded of the story of the Prodigal son and was challenged of the two sons which one I could identify with. I decided to revisit the story. The context was that the Pharisees and teachers of religious law were complaining that Jesus was associating and eating with tax collectors and other notorious sinners.

The story presents the wasteful younger son representing tax collectors and sinners, supposedly out there! The older self-righteous son represented the Pharisees and teachers of the law who were inside. But the father loved both sons as we see how he treated them. This was demonstrated when the younger son returned home. The father was filled with excitement and hosted a great celebration forgetting all that had transpired!

When the older son came back and was angry because of the celebration, his father came out and begged him to come and join in. He was reminded that everything the father had was his because he has always stayed with him. The emphasis here is that the father demonstrated love for both sons. The younger son’s sins were obvious and evident. The older son had the attitude syndrome, displaying self righteousness. But the truth of the matter is that both of them were prodigals! The father demonstrated love for them both then the celebration continued.

I was reminded of the importance of being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. It is possible to be in Church for so long and loose the Father’s heart. We can easily be distracted by programs, services and doing ministry work, and become experts but forget the ministry of pouring the Father’s heart to those around us. God loves the Christians and non-Christians. Prior to that the story of the Prodigal Son, Jesus had told the stories of the lost sheep and the lost coin. We can be working so hard that we forget the humility and simplicity that really matters. I can identify myself with one of sons, can you? Such a great reminder to be focused and walk in humility.

Dear Lord, Help me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and walk humbly in obedience to your Word and share the Father’s heart and love with others around me. Amen

Today’s Challenge: Which of the sons would you identify with? Perhaps traits in both! What is God asking you to do regarding those around you today?

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