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Updated: Nov 23, 2023

We live in a “World of Too Much”. There are always more incoming emails, more meetings, more things to read, more ideas to follow up. The result, inevitably, is feeling overwhelmed! One feels busy because of multi-tasking! The more you try to get multiple things done at the same time, the more overwhelmed and busy one feels. This is more of how our world operates today.

Sometimes, this also applies in doing godly duties such as studying God’s Word, evangelizing and doing all valuable work for God. It is possible to really keep busy doing this at the expense of maintaining a close personal relationship with God! The Pastor does his part to teach, but it is our personal responsibility to pursue God’s presence as we learn from many biblical examples such as Nehemiah, Daniel and others. An important thing to remember is that our relationship with God is not in comparison to employer/employee where we exercise diplomacy. It’s about spending valuable time with our Creator to give us clear guidance individually in our day today lives. When we do this intentionally, our work and schedules will be properly prioritized.

Mathew 6:33 is a good reminder to: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Busyness can steal our joy and peace. A regular check throughout the day is a good spot check to help us maintain this relationship.

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