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“Since He did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?”  Rom. 8:32

We usually don’t have trouble relying on using planes or automobiles which are man made when they are in good shape, yet we sometimes fail to trust the Lord, who is the Creator of man, and  everything in existence today!  Our faith in God is like spiritual glasses through which we view the world around us.  Our physical eyesight may not detect His Almighty hand working in the events and situations of our lives. But faith looks beyond the externals to the truth and promises of scripture. Having faith means choosing to see the world through the lens of God’s promises.

The ten spies report highlighted the giants (Anakites) after the scouting mission in Canaan created so much fear in the Israelites that made them rebel.  Instead of remembering God their deliverer, they were overwhelmed because of these giants!  Unlike David who faced Goliath with immense faith and came out victorious, they caved into fear.  Only Caleb and Joshua from the older generation and their children arrived in the Promised Land because they obeyed and followed the Lord completely. The story of Caleb and Joshua displays courage, bravery and faith. They chose not to look at the size of the giants but the God who was on their side! 

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus reminds us that “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move.  Nothing would be impossible”. The mustard seed symbolizes the potential in faith. Such an encouragement to look the giants  that show up in our lives in the face with confidence from Jesus. He is the champion who always wins! In our own strength they will come at us like swarming bees. 

Dear Lord, I ask you to grow my faith stronger and bolder. I believe, but help me believe even more as the battle belongs to you! I will seek to serve you trusting in your supply of power, strength, and guidance.  In Jesus' name.  Amen

Reflect on:  The greatest things have the smallest beginnings! 

Challenge:  What are you trusting God for in this moment? 

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