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“I want God to shake me awake and to help me to have reverence for Him.”

Most of us don’t hear God audibly with our natural ears but as a still small voice within us.

He speaks to us a lot through reading His Word. So, I was led to this verse: “Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” Jeremiah 23:3

At the same time, I was speaking with Destiny, a young girl who was having a very hard time experiencing the love of God. She said: “I want God to shake me awake and to help me.” I was directed to share with her a phone analogy: Just as she is always on her phone calling or texting her friends, she could spend time with Jesus and share with him her struggles!

I shared with her my recent reading of Jeremiah 23:3 “Call… it appeared like God gave me His phone number because the verse says Call: He wanted to tell me many good things that I cannot figure out on my own. I then realized that I miss out so much because I don’t take the time to do this.

At the same time, I was also reminded of when I want to talk to a friend, share something on my heart or ask her something I call her or text. I know you all probably would do the same. I heard someone said recently, “please call me don’t text me”!!

We can do the same thing with God because He is our friend forever and has given us the freedom and an open invitation with no limitation. He has given us so many scripture verses that relate to every situation in our lives. Then He allows us to stay on the line with him for as long as we want. The call is always personal and direct and no voicemail because we are His children!

This simple analogy helped Destiny connect to Jesus. This is what she said: “I think I felt a sense of peace. It almost felt like all my pain went away in that moment.” She called Jesus and shared with him her struggles!

God loves it when we connect with Him, listen, spend time and share the challenges we face!

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