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Updated: Jan 3

Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28

Seasons have been there since beginning of time. Everything God designed is for a purpose, including seasons of life. In our world today, seasons have an enormous influence on vegetation and plant growth. There is limitation with cold weather (winter), during spring or rainy seasons, plants sprout, tree leaves appear, and flowers blossom. During the warmest time (summer) of the year plants grow quickly.

At the time when Mary was overwhelmed with excitement of being engaged, she soon became confused and disturbed when she tried to figure out this announcement the angel had just made "greetings, favored woman"! She was soon filled with great joy and broke into worship and praise after being told that she was going to be the mother of Jesus!

In Luke 1:28 the angel told Mary “for you have found favor with God”. We can all recall the difference seasons we experience in life such as: times of joy and abundance, periods of rest, times of sorrow, hiddenness, stretches of busyness, weariness and even confusion.

God gave Mary his favor or grace with the ability to do something which is humanly impossible for us to do. She found favor with God. When you are connected to God’s favor, you are connected to good and grace as His child. He is able to step into your situation and make it worthwhile because he is sovereign.

As a child of God, you are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved! That’s how He thinks of you today in whatever season you find yourself! God's favor should motivate us with a longing to see others come to know Jesus in our world. When the Lord is the center of your life, nothing will stand in the way of His purposes. He will guide each step.  His favor will open doors of opportunity that will surprise you like he did with Mary!

Dear Lord, thank you for the great reminder that I am highly favored. Help me to rely on you totally when I go through various seasons of life to know that you are in total control and will see me through. Give me courage to believe you for greater things. Amen

Throughout this day: Meditate on Eph. 1:6 “So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son”.

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