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“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the Champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”

Hebrews 12:2

At the beginning of a year we hear these most common resolutions; eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more, start a new healthy habit, manage time better, avoid procrastination, be focused and the list goes on!! These are all very good intentions and those who succeed are the ones who are focused and persevere each day with endurance.  Some go to the extent of transforming their looks!  By the end of the year each one will be able to evaluate and see their results which are all varied depending on their determination.

In our Christian walk which has far greater value, we are reminded that in order to run the race successfully we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. He is the Champion who has already run the race and completed successfully.  The priests in the Old Testament while serving in the Tabernacle never sat down because their work was continuous.  But we know that Jesus after enduring the cross disregarding its shame, He is now seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

To be successful in a race, we have to strip off everything that slows us down in order to win. This is an analogy to stay away from sin and run to God and as we walk in obedience the Holy Spirit enables us to live a holy life. The Bible encourages us to run with endurance and not quit even when seasons change. That is where our focus on Jesus plays a major role.  Reading the Bible and listening enables us to go through hard times. There may be times we need to ask God, “Am l fighting you on anything?” We might need to do a reset!  Just to do whatever you have to do to remain focused on Jesus!

Dear Lord, help me to stay focused on you to keep my eyes on you, my champion and not be drawn away by distractions. That I will seek the Holy Spirit to keep my mind focused and not be distracted by my own desires that are contrary to you. Amen

Reflection:  Are there any decisions in your life you need to take responsibility for today?

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