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From Despair to Delight

Updated: Aug 19

The scariest situations are not a surprise to God!  Yesterday, I was caught in a torrential rainstorm while driving. Visibility was zero due to the amount of rain.  When I couldn’t see clearly where I was going, I stopped and waited. The advice during such times by the weather specialists is: remember, when thunder roars, go indoors.  This is an analogy for us believers during life storms. They usually manifest in various ways that cause us to run to God for protection.  He is reliable and keeps His promises and His Word.  Obedience on our part is key!

When Naomi and Ruth arrived home, the entire town of Bethlehem was excited! “Is it really Naomi? the women asked. She was filled with so much despair that she said: “Don’t call me Naomi, (which means “Pleasant),” Instead, call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me.  I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty. Why call me Naomi when the Lord has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy upon me?” Ruth 1:20-21. read on - but it doesn’t end here! 

How do you express your emotions? Naomi honestly expressed her emotions. She felt deserted, confused and defeated. God sees our emotions always, and when we are open, he begins to work in our lives. He had already began working something special for Naomi and Ruth which was unfolding slowly before them! Isn’t it amazing that Naomi and Ruth arrived during Spring time, at the beginning of the barley harvest?

Naomi began to experience God working on her behalf, she saw the faithfulness of God when Ruth found a job to work in Boaz’s field, the relative of her father-in-law Elimelech.  It was coming together for Ruth. She said... “What have I done to deserve such kindness?” I am only a foreigner.”  Ruth 2:10. Boaz had heard what Ruth had done, leaving her own people and land.  He spoke blessings over her.  Ruth was given a basket full of grain and dinner to take home for her mother-in-law that day and invited to continue working for the rest of the Spring season!  What a blessing for Naomi! This was a clear transition from despair to delight! Can you identify with this? Just as we are advised to “take cover immediately, if threatening weather approaches, we can also take cover in our relentless God during our storms of life! Ruth just kept gleaning, it can also come together for you just as it did for Ruth.

Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that when I’m facing my enemies, giants or difficulties in my life today no matter how challenging, you have already taken care of them! Help me to fully trust you. Amen

Meditate on: “Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living”. Psalm 27:13

Reflection: Are you faced with a difficult choice today, one where it seems like there’s no right answer or perhaps you know someone who is? What do you sense God telling you to do?

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