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Going well?

The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” Judges 6:12

How do you react when you are going through a period of victory or success?  There is a tendency for feelings of pride to creep in and cause us to boast! Well Gideon was victorious because the Lord had given him favor.  As in Judges 8, there is a warning to guard our hearts always, today, all day long, tomorrow in every situation and every circumstance. Soon, after they had victory over the Midianites, the Israelites asked Judge Gideon, his son and grandson to rule over them, They called them heroes who rescued them.  But this time because Gideon knew better. He told them that he would not rule over them and neither would his son! The Lord Himself was ruling  over Israel! It was the Lord who had defeated their enemies and given them victory and Gideon was right! These people had such a short memory simply because they were shortsighted and their focus was wrong!

This is a caution to guard our hearts when things are going well, when we are experiencing highs and success.  We should trust God and pray that God would guard our hearts always from compromising or pride.  Shortly after, Gideon made a mistake and asked them to give him their earrings from the plunder from Ishmaelites.  They did, and he made a sacred ephod in his hometown. This was a wrong decision on Gideon’s part.  Soon after, Gideon died the Israelites prostituted by worshipping it and that became a trap for them again.  They worshipped Baal and forgot their God and even lost royalty to Gideon’s family and so despised the good he had done for many years as their leader. Our Sovereign God cannot stand anything less than Him!

Although, Gideon was successful in some of his undertakings, he still failed to consider the obligations his success conferred on him. He became complacent and failed to offer continued bold leadership in humility. As a result, this society continued a path to moral decay – worship of idols. After Gideon died, Israel fell into worse oppression than before! Consequently, his success became a snare!

Dear Lord, Thank you for reminding me that you have already prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies and I can totally depend on your leading. Help me to trust you like David and know that you are in total control and to daily be intentional fully focused on Jesus. Amen.

Reflection: What are you going to do to stay right with God and not fall into the worldly trap?

Take Action: Pay attention today to anything that might deter you and use it to train your heart to focus on Him and rest in His presence daily.

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