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Meaningful Success

David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the Lord was with him. 1 Samuel 18:14

Have you ever bought something, got home and tried to use it and for some reason it didn’t work. The next day you took it back to the store and demanded for refund?  But when the store owner tried it, it worked perfectly and you felt awkward! You can only drive a car when the engine is running.  A reminder that, we are designed by God to depend on His great power and not on our own ability.

David's success was not because he was great, but because his God was great!  We can all identify times when we try to control the circumstances of our lives without relying on God.  Our power is limited, His power is limitless (infinite). God wants us to rely on Him in all areas of our lives so that His power can be felt by us and seen by others.  We need to turn our lives and daily circumstances over to God and let His power create our success.  The Lord made David victorious wherever he went not because David was smart but because he walked in obedience. We know that he defeated Goliath because he totally relied on God.

David defeated the Philistines, Moabites, Arameans, Amalekites, He had a team that worked with him whom the Lord used; the commander, priests, royal historian, court secretary, and the king’s bodyguard.  His sons were priestly leaders.  David walked in obedience although at times he faltered too! When he was given gifts, he dedicated them to the Lord.  God fulfilled what He had promised to David when he accomplished his tasks.

“Things don’t change when I talk to God; things change when God talks to me”. (by Bob Sorge).

Dear Lord, please help me resist relying on my own strength for success but rather to trust Your power in my daily life.


What area of your life are you reluctant to turn to God?

Why do you feel you are so resistant to relinquish control to Him?

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