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Updated: Nov 19, 2023

You have told me “I know your by name, and I look favourably on you."

Exodus 33:12

Everyone loves to hear their own name called especially by their friends because they have some relationship! Moses was a good friend of God and was comfortable having conversations with Him. His questions reveal the desire to know God more and to continue to experience God’s favor. He asked Him direct questions without fear.

God and Moses had such a close conversation as we see in Exodus 33:12-17. They were on good talking terms that God told Moses, he knew him by his name, and that he looked at him favorably. They spoke back and forth as good friends. We know Abraham was also a friend of God too and God spoke with him regularly. God’s love is unconditional. So, how is your personal relationship with Him?

In John 15: 14 Jesus says that “You are my friends if you do what I command….” We have the privilege and great invitation to have a close relationship with Jesus as his friends on whatever issues we may be going through.

Isn’t it so special to know that God cares enough to know our individual names and everything concerning us? He began in Genesis, when He personally named Adam and Eve after he created them! In this world we are named after birth by our parents, but only God knows our real names because He says in Isaiah 43:1 “I have called you by name and you are mine”. Remember today that God knows your name!

We live in a kind of “a wilderness world”, but Jesus is with us all the way, leading because we are His children. He daily gives us this invitation to speak with Him as our friend about things we may be facing. Everything about us since creation, as individuals points to the genius of His creativity and wisdom. You have a special place in His heart! He reminds us in Isaiah 49: 16 that "I have written your name on the palms of my hands!"

Dear Jesus, Thank you for making it possible for me to be called your friend. Help me to continue to grow in this great relationship with you and to be a good encourager to those you bring my way. Amen

Throughout the Day: Make a list of five things God has recently been talking to you about and take some time to thank Him in a conversation with Him as your friend. Ask Him to show you someone you can introduce Him to.

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