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Updated: Sep 21, 2023

“So, God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness towards the Red Sea.” Exodus 13:18

Roundabouts promote a continuous flow of traffic. There are many countries across the world who adapt them. Traffic is not required to stop but to yield. This is to allow other traffic through an intersection to move quickly, with less congestion on approaching roads. But this requires paying maximum attention to the traffic around you.

When the children of Israel had been delivered from Egypt and they were on their way to the Promised land, God knew that if they would be faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt. So, he decided to lead them in a roundabout way through the wilderness.

A friend recently shared with me that she was determined to learn how to ride a bicycle. But she encountered a snag with balancing which was quite frustrating for a while! It appears that she was overthinking and not just letting go! But when she finally let go all went well. Does this sound familiar to you. It definitely does resonate with me. I have those moments! What is your outlook when everything is going well in your life? Some how we develop the attitude of “I can” “I did it”. We tend to be self reliant instead of acknowledging God’s hand in our situations.

Regarding the children of Israel, the Lord went ahead of them and led them by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. This enabled them total travel dependence on God. They were under his protection. But God being omniscient (all knowing) chose to lead them in a roundabout way through the wilderness in case they might change their minds when they encountered a battle and want to return to Egypt where He had delivered them from! Could it be that this was to make them pay more attention to where they were going. But as it turned out they encountered this in the wilderness for forty years! One time when they lacked water, they asked Moses “Is the Lord with us or not? From time to time they complained to Moses and tested God. But each time he still delivered and made provision for them.

He reminds us that he is the same God today desiring to lead us in our day-to-day activities. At times he allows us to go through various struggles so that we can totally rely on Him every step of the way. So “delays are only detours – to enable us focus and experience God’s best His way while staying within His boundaries. A good example is Zechariah and Elizabeth waiting for a long time - there was a reason for their wait. They were not just on hold!

Dear Lord, Help me to rely on you totally when I go through diversity of emotions and to know that you are in total control and will see me through. Give me courage to believe for greater things. Amen

Throughout this day meditate on: “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23

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