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Space Station Experience

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

After visiting my friends in Montreal while on our way to the airport the next day, I sked Vincent what work he does. He told me that he works with a Robotic company that plays a role in space exploration. Astronauts go to “International Space Station” to carry out various assigned Missions – such as research in medicine: for example aspirin that was discovered as treatment for heart attack and so was bone marrow treatment. That the station is the size of a soccer field.

Some of the reasons why the space station was chosen are as follows: (there is less pollution, fresher being air away from the earth, focusing is better for concentration; astronauts stay there for at least a period of six which gives them time to do as much as they are able to accomplish.

As he was sharing this information, I had this prompting that this is a good Analogy for Listening Prayer:

The “Space Station” is the place of Posture you choose to be away from distraction to spend time with the Lord; Away from disruption; God is Supernatural, we are natural, so we have to disconnect from normal practices to connect with Him - and that's being intentional. Remember during the “Transfiguration” (Peter, James and John) 17: 5 While He was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice said from the cloud “This is my Son, whom I love, with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him”.

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