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Updated: Mar 29

“And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.”  Deuteronomy 6:5 

In preparation for entry into the Promised Land, Moses was instructed by the Lord to give the specific directions.  Wholehearted commitment, God’s way was top priority! We succeed when we connect to His way.  The land was prosperous, richly stocked, water flowing from cisterns and had all the goodies they needed. The commandment given was to “love the Lord, God with all their hearts, soul, and strength.” I am reminded of the time when the Pharisees asked Jesus what was the most important commandment. Jesus replied “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Mat 22:37. This signifies why “love” is so important to God!

God reminds us how we are created in His own image so love is a primary command from Him. He is the very definition of love as in 1 John 4:8. He reminds us of the intense deep affection he initially demonstrated through His Son, Jesus on the cross. He teaches and affirms that He has no equal nor comparison!  In Hebrews 12:2 we are reminded that Jesus, our champion initiates perfect faith.

The scriptures remind us that when we love God, everything else falls into proper perspective and balance. This involves embracing His ways and character which enables us to love others in a truly selfless way. The Lord led the Israelites from Egypt with His strong hand; performed miraculous signs and wonders before their eyes; dealt terrifying blows against Egypt, Pharaoh and His people.  Then as they proceeded on their journey the command was to obey and fear Him so that He could continue to bless and preserve their lives.  He is still the same today and asks us to walk in obedience in our daily lives so that His blessings will flow in us. 

God’s Will, will be accomplished regardless of whatever is happening! Two examples are;  Pharaoh’s stubbornness to release the Israelites and Jonah, a prophet who grudgingly complied.  Jonah followed orders but he did not surrender to God’s will when things turned out differently than he expected in Nineveh. Our God is caring and loving who enables us to succeed. But even when we miss the mark and turn back to Him, He gently accepts us like the prodigal son! Ultimately, matters work out far better with God in control than anything we could accomplish with our limited vision.  He measures our success based on our dependence on Him. His definition of success is far from the world’s. Our posture of obedience and surrender to God will be rewarded.

Dear Lord, rekindle my love for you so that my life is not dominated by a checklist but rather a love that comes from my whole heart, soul and mind.

Reflection for today: Love is a command but friendship is a choice.

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