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The Best is yet to Come!

The threshing floors will again be piled high with grain, and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil. Joel 2: 24

God’s opinion matters more than any other opinions. Jesus gives us more than we need as in Ruth 3. This is a BIG message in a SHORT story. God’s kindness is shown by Ruth and Boaz.  It serves as a source of hope and encouragement for God’s people that he is able to bring about restoration and abundance even in the midst of adversity.  It shows how God is constructing his grand story out of the small, seemingly insignificant stories of everyday people.  By showing Naomi kindness, Ruth shows how God is at work in day-to-day normal life.

The significance of the “threshing floor” is a place of separation and a place of God’s presence. Separating the grain from the useless straw for the purpose of exposing and collecting the most valuable part of the crop. A farmer would give a better explanation here! This shows a beautiful picture of worship – where God’s provision is unearthed. We learn lessons of who God is. When you come out you are recharged, re-energized, re-made, restored, refreshed and ready to roll. Our responsibility is to cooperate in His honor with more for what He reveals. A place of change, progression, removal of weeds of pride, tares of selfishness and chaff of lost hope. This can be related to our relationships, careers and personal aspirations too.

Be blessed as you allow the threshing process to reveal a more authentic healthier you and I. The book of Ruth gives chances, loving kindness, hope and more choices. Ruth symbolizes the believer while Boaz symbolizes the redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ruth was bold when asked “who are you” and she said I am your servant”. As true followers of God, we never need to doubt, fear or question the Lord’s leading in our lives. He takes us from one place to the next, whether physical or spiritual. We simply continue to pledge our faithfulness to Him and watch as He brings us our very own blessings like He did for Naomi and Ruth.

Lord, lead me to a place in my faith where I readily exercise my loyalty allegiance to you. Please spread the corner of your covering over me, for you are my nearest kinsman.

Reflection: Is there something in your life God is asking you to take to the threshing floor.   Might He be asking you to open your eyes to authenticity? Our boldness come from being with Jesus!

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