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The Challenge

 No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.  Joshua 1:5

Although Joshua was Moses’s assistant, what was most important was that God had called him. His past experience and position were secondary.  The biggest opportunity of his life was before him but he had mixed emotions.  He stepped into big shoes to fill (Moses’s). His immediate task was to lead the children of Israel into the promised land. 

An adventure is an exciting experience or undertaking that typically requires boldness. It sounds like this one was what Joshua was going to experience!  Professionally, it might have appeared that he did not have what would be considered to be qualities required for a leader.  Have you ever been asked to perform a task but you felt inadequate?  God didn’t focus on Joshua’s weakness or inexperience but his potential!  God knew that Joshua was a good follower.  He followed the Lord with all his heart and was loyal to Moses. That is what made him a good candidate. The difference maker in Joshua was how he was a good follower of Moses. 

Joshua’s confidence was in what God had spoken over him. His courage and strength came from God who knew him so well!  God knows our inadequacies!  What is God saying to you as you face that situation that looks insurmountable? He said to Joshua, “I will be with you … I will not fail you or abandon you.” During times when I am facing a difficult challenge I sometimes forget that the Lord is waiting for me to ask Him to let Him handle it!.

Jesus called His disciples to follow Him. In Mat. 4:19 “Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” They were focused on following and learning from Jesus in order to become good leaders. Just like Joshua was a follower, he was able to accomplish his role as a leader through the Lord’s guidance. Everyone who influences or makes a difference to others is a leader. We were all created in the image of God and He gives us the courage to do what we do.

Lord, I praise you for the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Let the gospel transform me the way I follow you daily.  Help me to love others the way Jesus does unconditionally. Teach me to always follow His example. Amen

Reflect on: Being a good leader starts by being a good follower of Jesus!  How can you change the way you follow now in order to lead better later?

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