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The Daring Plan

 “Let’s go across to the outpost of those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!” 1 Samuel 14:6

God desires the best for us as we walk in obedience.  While searching for his father’s donkeys, Saul encountered prophet Samuel who anointed him as directed by the Lord.  Unfortunately, on his first appointment Saul disobeyed.  He took on the role to sacrifice instead of waiting for  Samuel.  Consequently, he was rebuked and his kingdom was to end because the Lord was now preparing David to replace him.  This is such a great reminder to walk in obedience. Time after time, Israel repeated the same mistakes over and over again.  It is possible to get caught up like this in our daily lives. Studying the Word and staying connected with the Lord will keep us instep with him.  

Their enemy, the Philistines, mastered a mighty army of chariots, and charioteers as many warriors as the grains of sand on the seashore.  Israel military was now at a disadvantage.  Some tried to hide while others escaped. They had no weapons, only Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear. Have you ever found yourself in a tight spot like this? As God’s children, we have his promises to depend on during tough times!

Jonathan, Saul’s son and his armor bearer (AB) secretly and courageously went over to where the Philistines were camped.  He stepped out in faith and said “…for nothing can hinder the Lord, He can win a battle whether He has many warriors or only a few! 1 Samuel 14:6 He trusted the Lord and strategized using two clues and said to the armor bearer, if the Philistines shout and say “stay where you are or we’ll kill you”, then we will stop. But if they say “come on up and fight”, then we will go. That will be the Lord’s sign that He will help us defeat them”. Right then, the Philistines shouted, come on up here, and we’ll teach you a lesson.” – that was a clue to Jonathan that the Lord would help them defeat the Philistines.  He trusted God and stepped out in faith and also knew the battle was the Lord’s.

The Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armor bearer (AB) and killed those who came behind them.  They killed twenty in all at once.  Suddenly panic broke out in the Philistine army, and just then an earthquake struck and everyone was terrified. The Philistines began to melt away in every direction. When Saul checked, they found that Jonathan and his armor bearer were gone!  The Philistines were killing each other, there was terrible confusion everywhere.  The Hebrews who had joined the Philistines army rejoined Saul, Jonathan and the rest of the army. The Lord saved Israel that day! Paul reminds us in Romans 8:31 “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Obedience is key to God’s presence and favor.

Dear Lord, Teach us to trust you, to grow in righteousness and give us the courage to step out in faith each day. Fill our hearts with your Spirit, and let us speak your Word with confidence.

Reflection: The bond between Jonathan and Armor Bearer (AB) trusted God’s power that they were able to tackle a large army.  God’s presence was enough and Jonathan was courageous.  Who is the one person who has your back?  Whose back do you have? 

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