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The Fiery Cloud

Whenever the cloud lifted from above the tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped.  Numbers 9:17

This was an adventure for the children of Israel as they journeyed to the promised land. They were fine as long as they walked in obedience!  There was always the land in between and we can all relate to them in our daily journeys too. This is a reminder that God is in our lives all the time and our role is to be aware of His presence in our surroundings during both good and bad times that we may encounter.  Life wasn’t always perfect on the Israelite’s journey but God was with them. That is what mattered most!  They faced various challenges in the wilderness.  But God was still with them during those times and we can also identify with that in our very own daily lives.

God delivered them from Egypt because He wanted them to have freedom to worship Him.  He provided His presence and no matter where they were.  They had the opportunity to worship God.  We have the same privilege today to do the same regardless of the circumstances we might find ourselves in and wherever we are!

As we look at the happenings with the Israelites, our world today and in our own life situations, there is One thing that can mess it all up – our attitude! It is the greatest influence on how we enjoy life and experience God.   It can greatly impact every area of our lives.  It can make the best of a tough day, or it can mess up the best day!  We have the opportunity to make the choice.

Lord, Thank you for the great reminder that you are with me at all times. Help me to rely on you totally and keep a good attitude, to know that you are in total control.  Amen.

Meditate on Philippians 2:5 “Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.”

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