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The Goal

Updated: May 27

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:14

When things get hard and we are wired to quit, remember there is power in finishing the things we start.  It’s easy to start something, but sometimes finishing it is what shows character.  Goals provide us with a clear destination. A good example is from those who run long distance races. 

The strategy Paul gives us, is to focus on one thing: “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” The goal is to complete the race – finishing strong but at the same time taking one step at a time to get there!  That is how winning takes place. 

I am reminded of the journey of the children of Israel through the wilderness during the time they lacked water and complained against Moses and God. They kept referring to the past instead of on what was ahead, the Promised Land!  At one time when there was need for water, God spoke with Moses and directed him to speak to the rock. But Moses out of frustration from the stubbornness of the people, struck it instead and missed God’s way here! It is possible to do the right thing the wrong way when we are not fully listening! Does this sound familiar to you? 

God made the Israelites victorious and provided food for them again, but they complained that the manna He had provided was horrible and so the end result was punishment. But because God is merciful and gracious, once again he gave direction, provided healing and victory after they repented. Our God is so loving and relentless.

What an encouragement to us to keep instep with Him to reach the goal set before us. We can count on His good grace daily even in challenging times!  He will restore, support and strengthen us on our journey as we look to Him.

Dear Lord, help me be a person of character to finish what you direct me to start focusing on you and to trust you, and stay alert during difficult situations.  Amen  

Challenge: Think of a goal you thought of recently.  Is this your goal or God’s goal for you? Jeremiah 29:11            

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