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The Journey

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.    I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8

When sightseeing, it is always so reassuring when you have a guide who is familiar with the sights!  They take you to vantage point where you can enjoy the scenery!  What an encouraging promise we cannot ignore or disregard that God has taken it upon Himself to personally teach us the wise and righteous paths we must take at all times.  We simply need to open His Word and read what it says! Humbling ourselves and admitting our limitations and deficiencies and trusting the All-Sufficient God to guide.

The question is: How did 11 days become 40 years for the children of Israel to reach the “Promised Land”? This is in Deuteronomy 1:3. The reason is because they didn’t believe God. Here are some of the experiences they had:  witnessed every plague that was rained on Egypt, experienced the Red Sea victory, God fought for them and conquered their enemies, they tasted food from His table and drunk water from His well and even saw His glory descend on Mt Sinai.  Although they believed in God, they still stubbornly clung to other gods and false hope. But God still was with them through it all. They had left Egypt but were still so much attached to it!

On this journey, God was endeavouring to introduce Himself to the Israelites and to teach them how to have a close relationship with Him.  He was instructing them how to know Him in preparation for how they could continue to live in their new land, Canaan.  But still they rejected Him. Over and over again their lives, choices and behaviours were contrary to God’s leading. From their told story, disobedience was a major setback! Consequently, only the younger generation, Joshua and Caleb finally arrived in Canaan! 

God’s Word today gives us guidance on how to keep in step and have a good relationship with him on our journey as well. Just as He was trying to prepare the Israelites in readiness to live in their new home land, He is also teaching us here on earth in preparation for our eternal home.  Jesus is our champion in this. Sometimes we go around in circles like the Israelites because God is leading us through necessary changes along the way.  He cares and loves us so much, constantly granting us His mercy and grace daily. 

Dear Lord, Thank you that Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Teach me to live in obedience and surrender to you and your Word in preparation for what is yet to come. Amen

Meditate on Provers 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

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Sharon Williams
Sharon Williams
Feb 05

I like the idea that my tour guide can take me to the best vantage points on this my only journey of earthly life. Yes!

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