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The Marathon

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

The quote “the race is not to the swift, nor to the strong but to those who endure to the end! From Ecclesiastes 9:11 brings out the message that life is like vapor and anything can happen to anyone at any time and no one is exempt. So we should live our lives in humility and continually connected to God.

Recently, a couple of friends went for the yearly Half Marathon. The preparations involved exercising, paying attention to diet and other necessary steps to enable them start and finish this race successfully. I listened to them explain that right from the start, it was 1 kilometers at a time with endurance that kept them going and it was not like 100 meters dash. They felt a great relief when they reached the finish line! That makes them look forward to the next Marathon. These friends have a strategy! The word is “perseverance” that was not said aloud!

What do you think of when you see the sign “coming soon”, you know whatever it is that is being advertised is really close! What a great comparison with the Christian walk. Just one day at a time with Jesus. When you take the first step, you have to keep up the momentum, be tenacious and keep going even when you get weary. Remember to pay attention to your spiritual diet. The Holy Spirit is with us and keep in mind that Jesus is our life template so it’s not in our own effort He is in this marathon with us all the way!

In Hebrews 12:1-2 “Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the Champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”

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