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The Stance

A few days ago, I was walking along the Lakeside shore and noticed this bird standing on one foot for quite a while!  People came and went but it did not budge.  It is said that birds will often stand on one foot to minimize heat loss!  They keep one leg tucked up underneath their body. It is also said that they adopt this posture when they feel their lives are threatened, it is a defense mechanism! 

Well, I was reminded of the time when Jehoshaphat and his people were surrounded by a vast army, they stood before the Lord, prayed and waited in His presence.  The answer they received was; “But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions, then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory.  He is with you…. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” 2 Chronicles 20:17

For some reason in your life, you may be standing on one foot like the bird, stand anyway, the Lord is standing there with you, listen to Him as He says to you; “take your position, stand still and watch your victory!  Stay in the Word!

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