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This is the Way

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

Your ears shall hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it"- ISAIAH 30:21

How many of us depend on a GPS for direction? Do you find that it is not always accurate? That's because it's fallible. It's programmed. It's a gadget that is liable to make mistakes.

One of the most exciting aspects of walking with Christ is that we don't know what's going to happen next. At times, we may be uncomfortable with the twists and turns of life, but God deserves the right to lead us wherever he chooses. Uncertainty can be gracious, it makes you live in expectancy.

You don't need to see the way if you follow the One who is the Way! Life is not about great accomplishments, although these may happen. It's just about knowing and loving Jesus daily while encountering day to day challenges.

God cannot be programmed. He is unpredictable and he is an unchanging God. He deserves to lead us wherever he chooses.

Allow God to be your GPS. He is always right, fully dependable, reliable and on time based on his schedule. After everything else is done, that is what really matters most.

Jesus, thank you for leading me. I trust you today to guide my every step. I surrender to you my plans and want to follow yours. Help me to know you on a deeper level and to trust you when I don't see what's ahead. In your name I pray. Amen.

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