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“For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and He will give you victory!” Deuteronomy 20:4

Victory is a promise of God, but it requires a battle. True faith will stand on this promise in the face of every trial, challenge, or opposition.  The greatest purpose of every victory is for God’s glory!  Although we may be in a battle of some kind, the amazing thing is that the Lord has promised to fight for us. The Bible reminds us this over and over again.

I’m reminded of another encounter the children of Israel had after they had defeated their enemies were very close to the Promised Land.  King Balak of Moab was so fearful that he sent for Balaam to come and curse them.  The enemy will use anyone to threaten God’s children.  We know that right from Abraham’s time the Israelites were blessed but this did not stop the threats.  The enemy will use anything to derail us but we continually need to remind ourselves through our relationship with God in scripture that we are always on the winning side. 

Balaam was promised to be paid for doing this by king Balak. Even though this was controversial, God used it to emphasize the blessing He had already spoken over His children.  God’s promises cannot be broken, they will be fulfilled because His word stands forever.   What an encouragement to us today to know that God’s word will prevail over us no matter what strategies the enemy may use to frighten us. Our victory is assured as we focus on our champion, Jesus. 

Dear Lord, Help me to keep focused and to know that whatever battles comes my way, you are in total control and you will always win because the battle belongs to you and the enemy has to bow out. Amen

Meditate on: “But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you… Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” 2 Chronicles 20:17

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