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Victory Moments

Updated: May 13

…But the people of Israel had walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground. Exodus 15:19

The Israelites had just witnessed water crashing down Pharaoh’s army. Miriam and the worship team played their tambourines and sang songs of praise and deliverance! Everyone was so excited and danced because of the victory the Lord had just given them over their enemies! The Red Sea had become their red carpet! Does this sound familiar? A reminder of the moments when we experience answered prayer and we are feeling excited, joyful and victorious. Perhaps, we would sing “The Goodness of God”! It’s easy to remember that God is the reason for anything good in our lives when everything is good.

After the Red Sea victory experience, they soon encountered the Marah bitter water experience to test them of their faithfulness. They responded with complaints to God and turned against Moses. This was what the Lord said to them: “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15:26

How can we thank God for being good when we just don’t see the good? What happens when a challenge comes our way? Does this happen to you sometimes? It certainly happens to me! He wants us to listen to His voice and obey Him according to His Word.

God had led them into the wilderness to allow them to see more demonstrations of His provision and protection and to allow their faith to grow. God does not change. They still grumbled rather than trusted even when they had seen God’s provision. They left Egypt in an orderly way and they were positioned to fend off threats. God’s provision is often quite practical even when we don’t trust him. Divine guidance doesn’t always make sense. We have the ability to trust God in the good times and bad because we know God’s love never fails. His presence prevails at all times. He will always bring good out of every situation.

Dear Lord, Please give me the ability to trust you in the good times and bad because I know your love never fails. Help me to know that your plan for me is great, and You will always bring good out of every situation. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Reflection: Take some time today to thank God for the good in your life, and ask Him to show you the good in the situations that may be trying.

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