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What if?

You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. Psalm 8:2

God is so strong and great that He can derive praise even from infants and children! Children are known to trust, recognize authority, don’t worry about things; know home is the place of rest and safety; and enjoy being with parents.

The Lord wants His temple to be a holy place for all who seek Him; a House of Prayer - where there is worship and praise!  His temple should be an inviting place for the needs of people to be met by Him; A welcoming place for the little ones who praise Him. As explained in Mathew 21:15-16, in the temple while the people were buying and selling their stuff and asking questions, the children were praising and worshipping God.  What a contrast! The leading priests and religious teachers of the law were doing it their way!  What if they had the simplicity of a child?


These leaders saw the wonderful miracles of Jesus and at the same time, heard worship going on. But their minds were so blocked that they started asking Jesus;” Do you hear what these children are saying”? and Jesus said “Yes, haven’t you ever read the scriptures, for they say “you have taught children and infants to give you praise”.

This is an invitation to look to God with trusting faith and accepting limitations like children do.  Mathew 18:4 “So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven”.  Receiving the Kingdom of God like a child is not only about adoration, excitement, dependency and trust but also about humility in Him!  It is not a one-time event, it’s a daily choice!

Lord Jesus, teach me to have a childlike faith as I go through this day and to get excited when I open my Bible and be highly anticipating what you will say to me this day.

Challenge: Jesus made time for children, do we? Choosing the lens of faith is choosing life. Sometimes you can’t stop what happens to you, but the lens of faith keeps the life of God flowing through you.

Meditate on: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Philippians 4:6

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