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Which Outfit?

The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” 1 Samuel 17:37

Saul tried to make David wear his military outfit but that could not work!  David’s story has been told endlessly but still remains significant today!  When you wear someone else’s gear, you will certainly feel uncomfortable or even awkward!  It does not fit well because it wasn’t made to fit you!  Giant Goliath appeared huge in appearance and intimidating but David knew he was no comparison to our Commander of Heaven’s armies!   So, David did the best thing he know how to do and just shook off Saul’s outfit and picked up his simple five smooth stones from the stream into his shepherd’s bag. He walked in faith with confidence knowing who was in charge!  What an encouragement for us to face our giants today with faith in our powerful God!


David was armed with God’s Word because he said, “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine.” I Sam 17:37 and only with the shepherd’s staff and sling he went to fight the boasting, laughing Goliath.  I ask myself this, do I really realize how much power God’s Word has and authority I have today to hit back at the enemy? 

David was not an “overnight success”. His groundwork for victory against Goliath begun long before. He was tasked with tending sheep, not a heroic assignment. But he did fend off bear and lion attacks. He learned to defend the sheep with God’s help. During that period, his duties were not glamorous but he performed them, these were preparing him for bigger assignments.  He trusted God’s help so much that he didn’t hesitate victory over Goliath. I am reminded of Luke 4:24 …Pay close attentions to what you hear.  The more you listen, the more understanding you will be given – and you will receive even more.” We grow as we spend time in the Word!

Too often we call on God only when a challenge is too big for us to handle on our own! Initially we tend to rely on our self-sufficiency or our busyness. David had trusted God in mundane moments that he did not hesitate to take on giant Goliath when the occasion arose!  He had mastered where His confidence was.  Not in the sword, spear, nor javelin like Goliath but in in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. As believer’s in Christ we can identify with David, who did not waver to declare that it was the Lord’s battle!

This is an insight for us to discern to trust God in everything when we experience God’s provision and protection in small things. Then, when we encounter overwhelming trials, we can relate to God’s faithfulness and hope in His reliable promises.

Dear Lord, Help us to be still and know that you are God.  You will be exalted among the nations.  You will be exalted in all the earth.  And you will work on behalf of all who trust in you and stand for you. Amen

Reflect on:

If facing a major challenge, why not praise God for his past provision while trusting Him to come through again?

Your life is a story to tell and you are only this far in it, the Holy Spirit is continually turning each page!

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